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[IMG]Aivan,New OC
New OC I made a few days ago, he isn't done yet, I want to actually try shading him and such but right now I'm lazy -_-;.

Picture is kinda big but that's okay o-o... Things I know: legs are long (I know it's my style),hair line is to straight(got lazy, wanted him to get "done"),his shoe is fuzzy...(copy paste,lazyness)

If you find any flaws in it C&C is always appreciated and looked at, my Kojac picture looked better because of it.
Your shits weak."Emoki113r"
What's an OC? And where did ya do your lineart, cuz it's sweet.

Anyway, his left arm looks akward. It's long and... straight O.O The head looks weird IMO, like his bones are messed up or something. Also, the right leg doesn't look like it's inside the shorts.
Thanks for the comment.

The line art is done in Photoshop CS2 using the pen tool, look up some tuts on youtube or go to deviantART to help you out. His arm is really "straight" cause he's using it to push himself up over the boxy-thingy. Sorta bears all the weight of his body you know? Don't really know what you mean by his "bones are messed up." If your talking about his jaw, ya it is a little low. I moved it up and it didn't look right :/. And opps, ya his leg isn't in his shorts xD, I'll fix that later, thanks.

Edit: Oh ya, an OC is an Original Character xD.
Last edited by Z3R0; Jan 2, 2009 at 09:17 AM.
Your shits weak."Emoki113r"
Thanks for the comment.

Sorry you don't like the eyes. The wideness is suppose to give him an innocent playful look. A "good character' feel. I'll see if I can make them more appealing.
Your shits weak."Emoki113r"
I'll give it a shot in a few days, I've got some stuff to catch up on in school. Postponed a project to the last minute and suffering -_-;.

Edit: Again, sorry you don't like his facial features, but really his nose isn't that big...I could half the size or something. I dunno.
Last edited by Z3R0; Jan 2, 2009 at 07:31 PM.
Your shits weak."Emoki113r"