Original Post
Combos & Madmans
New replay added. further down.

So heres somthing for ya to ogle at ^^..

1st. 3 punch hit combo..

2nd. my 1st no grab madman.

3rd. somthing i thought looked cool :P..

You may now comment the replays :O
Attached Files
3 hit combo.rpl (151.2 KB, 79 views)
grabman.rpl (197.5 KB, 72 views)
Last edited by eyCoco; Jan 6, 2009 at 04:15 PM.
The first punch in the combo replay is awesome, it was even unexpected when i watched it from the default pov
Heh, thanks all :P

i tell ya, that 3rd hit in that punch combo, it was so dam hard to make it split him :P.. had to move the arm frame by frame to get the dm..

Grabman, just kinda happend.. was trying to get a headkick followed by a Bommy nutsmash, but it ended up being my first No Grab madman :P..
I really liked the speed and force in your hits. Very powerful. I also loved how you put backhanded hit in grabman. I fucking love backhands.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well