Original Post
failed to connect to lobby ¿¿¿fixed???
M... lets see, i thought that in 3.5 the lobby failure was already fixed, instead, i've got to deal with this problem every day, living me without toribash conexion && without playing some days. I tryes with diff. acounts, but allways happens this... "Failed to connect to lobby Operation now in progress

Plz fix this, or tell me what im doing wrong.

Running in Linux 3.5 .tar version. Firewall disabled Internet conection ON

thx 4 helping...
Nope, im using modem && doing ping to the server, it works, so I can connect, but the game can't...

thx 4 fast response.

any other thing?
Hmmm... Make sure your pc hasn't blacklisted any ports You'll find it in the firewall config, even though the firewall may be turned off a lot of distros still keep a blacklist running.

Best bet is to manually set a rule to always allow the required ports to make sure it doesn't happen.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
M.. im looking 4 that blacklist thing...

BTW, in sigleplayer i CAN see my player with all items.. Does this help in some way?

ill post again with anything new.
Originally Posted by Killingtoy View Post
M.. im looking 4 that blacklist thing...

BTW, in sigleplayer i CAN see my player with all items.. Does this help in some way?

ill post again with anything new.

well that's good as it means your tb is connected to the internet although you cant connect to lobby.....

▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ eVo ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

So you can download your custom data? Hmmmm...

I think your IP address might be caught in a ban. Now & then they have to ban an IP range due to troublemakers, and inevitably people get caught in the middle of it. We had a stack of people last month with similar problems.

Drop a mail to [email protected]

Let them know you can't connect to the lobby but you're able to download player's custom data. Ask them to check for an IP ban & provide your IP address.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I mailed support, And i had an emal reponse from hampa asking me for my ip (this is normal no?) so i mailed him again with my ip, but i havnt got any response yet...