Original Post
Spenc's cheap Fortune Store
SHOP CLOSED APRIL 21- 28!!! (that's not today...)

Oh ya i forgot, FIRST REQUEST IS FREE!, if you want a pic it's only 5 creds (for first request)

If you want a funny one, just say that in your post.
> implying I have a signature
Re: Spenc's cheap Fortune Store
Complete waste of money, but I'll take one with a picture anyways :P
Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive anyways.
Re: Spenc's cheap Fortune Store
Originally Posted by COM(B)AT
Complete waste of money, but I'll take one with a picture anyways :P

lol, sounds WAY to american >.>


EDIT: here ya go BiH

Forgot to say...if you want a funny one, just tell me.

EDIT: Here ya go COM(B)AT
> implying I have a signature
Re: Spenc's cheap Fortune Store (new hot thing!)
I will liking a pic/funny one kthxbai.
凸[◣_◢]凸 PRAISE LID 凸[◣_◢]凸 FUCK THA HATERS 凸[◣_◢]凸 PUT THIS IN YO SIG IF U DOWN 凸[◣_◢]凸
Re: Spenc's cheap Fortune Store (new hot thing!)
comin right up!...

when i get back

EDIT: here ya go, new style!

> implying I have a signature