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problem with boosters
i bought booster about 1 mounth ago, they're still activated but i don't get tc from winning, why? boosters are x3 (150 tc)
i had the problem that for some reason my custom folder was err "locked". means that i couldnt change or edit files in it. when this was the case i did not get any TCs from winning too...perhaps you should check if that goes for you too
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how can i unlock it? now i'm in my folder i see the files "head" "equipment" "r_biceps" "head", so i don't think that it's lock O.o
im from germany so my windows is in german too. but i think its called "Read-only" so check if your toribash folder is set as read-only. if so, uncheck it and ull get TCs again
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i tryed to do that but when i close the poperty's window and i re-open it, the "read only" button check again
Originally Posted by Exoray View Post
i bought booster about 1 mounth ago, they're still activated but i don't get tc from winning, why? boosters are x3 (150 tc)

If your boosters are not working send a PM to Gman80.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
For the read only thing, Are you pressing OK, or Apply, because you need to press apply for changes to occur permentantly.