Original Post
Brownstain's Head Emporium
Brownstain's Head Emporium

I take all cartoon and hand drawn requests.

200tc each

add your name 1k

Sesame Street Series
Sesame Character Prices

Big Bird: 700
the Count:1.5k
Oscar: 1k

sold to Warbanana for 10k
sold to loachflava for 1.5k
Sold to Murdastick 5k
Last edited by BrownStain; Nov 1, 2009 at 07:13 AM. Reason: addition
What can BROWN do for you?
Originally Posted by Loachflava View Post
I like the Bear

He can do pretty much anything you can think of. Seriously. He is still gettin the hang of tribals, but he pretty much rocks.
(Hive people only, haha!)
hey umm how much would u charge for a custom made head for me that looks like master chief off of the halo series? if u dont know who it is look him up also i want the green dragon head its awesome reserve it for me plz.....=) lemme know when u can send me it or if u dont have it anymore
still have the dragon head, send me a PM and ill send you the head i will attempt the Master Chief head. Gimme a few days lol.
What can BROWN do for you?

I myself made a dragon head

and I also made a MC head!


This is a sign!

You shall have GREAT SUCCESS!!!

like, seriously, those heads are pretty nice for the price

Good luck!
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