Original Post
[img] armor v2
so. I was thinking of remaking this old dealie i made two (or so ) years ago
Glitter Girl Armor

into these

and my favorite the simple

So, is it worth it submitting a rehash of a model?

Also CnC again is appreciated and put into a gold lined notebook

Avwave you've refreshed your awesomness.

very nice model, the armor could use a bit more detail :P but other than that, just plain epic.

she looked a lot more badass with the guns, but she looks more stealthy without em.
Former Item Forger
thanks stupinator... wasnt going for detail though. just dont like the look of the original model (could be the breast size....)
well, breasts or no breasts, it's an original idea pulled of originally by an original artist.

btw, the breasts were fine, I think the original had problems because that armor looks more stealthy than... erm... "tanky"
Former Item Forger
Wow, that's a great model, same goes for the render. If I were you I'd replace the yellow with a more blue-ish colour though.

Still great, the render is awesome as well.

EDIT: Make a DD cup version for the lulz. That'll make it look like a Japanese game character.
Last edited by Mapleleaf; Feb 8, 2009 at 01:24 PM.
Originally Posted by Danvari View Post
Wow this is hot! Make bigger boobs and show her face .


Agree,lolz nice one man,really nice ! 10/10
Centuries Of Damn