Original Post
Didnt get my Tc
ok i won Ravenger Tourney yesterday.He said he sent me my Tc but i didnt get it them. today he hosted another tourney. i went to the tourney and tolded him i didnt receive my tc and he keeps telling me he sent it so i have some screen shots to prove that i didnt receive and what can i do about this.
oh and i also came 2nd in hiding tourney so thats where the 3000 tc came can someone help me oh he owes me 8k

Last edited by ToriNaruto; Feb 11, 2009 at 03:55 AM.
It would be better to private message him about this. Also make sure to read the stickies.

Regarding Scammers,Hackers and Flamers.
Please do not make threads about these people.

If you are dealing with a scammer:

* Take a screen shot of the deal being made.
* Take a screen shot of proof you didn't recieve the item and/or tc.
* Private Message (PM) a ToriAgent with all your proof.
* If you do not provide valid proof they will most likely not be able to assist you.

If you are dealing with a hacker:

* If you notice any tc or items missing from your inventory check your account history found here.
* Take a screen shot of your account history proving that some one did hack you.
* PM a ToriAgent but perferably Kai-Tiger with all your proof. They will assist you from there.

If you are dealing with a flammer:
We do not take this as seriously then all the other types of people. If you have some one bothering your until the point you are majorly offended. PM a ToriAgent immediately! ToriAgents will not do anything about the situation unless you are majorly offended.

NOTE: Do not PM a GameKeeper, they can not help with your situation. For the list of all the ToriAgents refer to the link here

[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
lol, you don't have to do that, you should wait a day or two, im sure they guy is busy :/


I have the same problem:
I got 2nd in oldbeans "midair mayhem" comp about 4 weeks ago and i didnt recieve the 7k
Isn't Ravenger a girl?

When I got scammed from a tourney, I was told *kindly* by SkulFuk to PM dalir about this. The scammer was caught!
Fonzie be with you.
Originally Posted by Ishi View Post
lol, you don't have to do that, you should wait a day or two, im sure they guy is busy :/

busy my ass he hosted another tourney the next day and i went in the tourney and told him
Wow seriously you told everyone on PT about this and now have to make a thread? Seriously mate cut me some slack. School, gf, TA, AND PT shit going up. I sent the tc and for emphasis give me 2 minutes and I'll have a picture. Also helps that you tell me every minute you can.

(excuse me if this is a bit rough ahd a bad day)