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[IMG/HELP] A joker set?!
Alright, now first of all please don't STEAL this idea : D

A few days ago i had an idea to do sort of like a joker set or something involving playing-cards etc.. I don't really have any ideas though, so i was hoping you guys could help me out and give some suggestions on what to do with the rest of the body. Well, i have SOME ideas but not much. So far i've got the head, it's a bit plain but it's self drawn in real life:

- has some weird lightning effect, heres a screenshot:

Whoop Whoop
Hmm... that's a good question, what I would do is first of all add some color to the head, then make a good purple jacket with huge green foled cuff's like all crazy joker's/clown's wear, the legs should be like some weird crazy color like an ugly ecto green.
Last edited by bumbasher1; Feb 12, 2009 at 09:15 PM.
For the hands, the sides (not the front) should have Spades Clover Diamond and Hearts pic things. and for the front, put ur name or something >.> And like bumbasher make the head more colorful or make the red darker. Some hair
[T] | ORMO
[20:18] <@Cevius> Like semen?
That red is as dark as it can be because it was drawn on a paper that is yellowish.. And since i can't remove the background, i had to use blending options to make it disappear. But if i would start changing contrast, brightness etc the background will show.
Whoop Whoop