Original Post
BlueNinja Theme!
A theme I made with ShuWen for toribash.


I'll tell you tomorrow how to do the smilies, today I don't have time.

The download:

Tell you more tomorrow, today i don't have time. Be sure to read the ReadMe in the folder.

An intelligent man lives for the moment and plans for the future. A wise man lives like he is already dead. Which one are you?
Pretty nice, although i always dislike font that forces graphic smilies on you, the font is kinda wonky too.

titlescreen is pro


Wow dude thats the best i sceen so farr,oh wait. its the first i seen so far.
[200] QI until 10th dan black
5 year vet of Toribash!
Thanks guys. Glad you liked it.
Any of you installed it? I'm not sure it works on windows, but pretty sure. I'm completely sure though that it works on mac. By the way, if you haven't seen it, the download is at the end of my first post there.
To Ishi: Actually, when I said I would tell you more about the smilies, I'll tell you know. The font is actually called untidy scrawl (that explains it!) and I found it on some random site. By trying it out, I found these smilies (When you write the character on the left, it makes the smilie on the right:

µ : Tired
© : Angry
¬ : Uncertain
´ : Mad
¨ : Scared
« :Wink
¶ : Anxious
ª (superscript a) : Sad
º (superscript o) : Serious
¸ : Unhappy
¿ : Clear Wink
Á : Surprised
» : Straight Face
· : Confused

If you don't know how to make all these characters, experiment with your keyboard.