Original Post
Porkstick with cheese sause
I was bored!

So i made these!

Comment and rate PLZ!
Attached Files
MA - upperbodykill.rpl (187.4 KB, 15 views)
Member [o]f Incognito
Originally Posted by Marloto View Post

Damn! Everbody hates me and wont rate my replays!
Am i really that bad?

chill out.

I have to say, the 100ed head kick was pretty damn impressive. A tad stiff for my tastes, but w/e, you did it and I never have

Could have done without upperbodykill :/ the kicks were repetitive, and it just wasnt really all that...well cool.

dont worry though about people not commenting, it happens.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
i am the complete oppisite of Deady i hated the first one i do kickes like that all the time 6/10
But the seond one waz pretty good i loved it 9/10 idunno wy its so awsome but it iz .just relax a bit more nad dont bump your own threads
heh thx for the comments and sorry for my blackout :S

here is more for ya

BTW runnery is my first running decap ever :v
Attached Files
MA - handstand.rpl (148.1 KB, 5 views)
MA - runnery.rpl (65.9 KB, 7 views)
Member [o]f Incognito