Original Post
bug in ToriMarket?
just bought a amber timer that was displayed for 399 tc, and it did actually cost 2300. i sorted by lowest price and it was on top.
i bought another amber item which was some lines below, for 499, and that price was right.
just wanted to spend some tc, not all i got, and im 100% sure i didnt do anything wrong. is there anything that can be done about this?
oh, and the shop was soulons itemland, if that matters.
:■ :♥ :ß :¹ :↓ :► :· :°
Soulons item land has done this before. (a lot) The best thing I can tell you to do would pm an admin. (gman80 preferably) Give them details of the transaction and im sure this will be fixed and you will be refunded if everything works out. I hope I was helpful.
the best thing to do is pm ME so i see that the bug happend again AND i pay back the TC..... so no more problem!

to send this to an admin is useless.. they absolute dont know what to do
Last edited by soulon; Feb 25, 2009 at 05:38 AM.
I want my textures BACK AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!