Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[WIP] Roller_skates
ok, so ive looked in the mod folder and i think its not there... if it is, SCREW THAT.

Inspiration by that skateboard mod. I seriously doubted this would work, but it turned out to be pretty good.

Right now, the rollerskate wheels are instagib. I plan on making one noninstagib, and mayby one with ramps. Of course, in the future there will be MP addition.

A balance system and other accessories like that might come later... i dont know if they will work out.

version 2 update:
MP available.

version 3 (instagib, sidewalk, fast) update:
sidwalk, more joust, symetrical, longer distance, dq

version 4 (non-instagib, sidewalk, slow)update:
sidewalk, less joust, symetrical, longer distance, dq, non-instagib

Here's some pics:

version 1:

version 3:

PS: trails look hella cool with this mod...
Attached Files
rollerskatesv1.tbm (3.3 KB, 147 views)
skatestrick.rpl (102.9 KB, 75 views)
rollerskatesv2.tbm (5.7 KB, 116 views)
sidewalk pwn.rpl (101.7 KB, 50 views)
rollerskates_slowsidewalk.tbm (5.7 KB, 102 views)
Last edited by blkk; Mar 5, 2009 at 03:21 AM.
- its been a while
Now make the "wheels" instagib and we can have some epic fights

way ahead of you dude... the wheels ARE instagib.

blkk=my favorite modder. :O

XD thanks.
- its been a while
since someone finaly made some skates are you gunna make ramps for it as well?
or am i allowed to mess arond and make some ramps for it?
|Co-Founder of iCoF|Now Using a New Account ToxWolf|
fun stuff... although I personally don't like how you can't skate backwards or sideways.. there's more than just 1 dimension with roller skates D:
Attached Files
ukehassupergluts.rpl (80.6 KB, 32 views)
/set gr 0 0 -30
i encourage this type of behavior, cause i want people to MOD MORE.

yes you can... but you only get 2 objects for ramps (sorry). cause i need 12 for the skates themselves....

or you could make a sp version for coolness. XD

EDIT: doubledagr: how should i do that.... right now im suing some slight thrust on body parts, as well as electric skates. should i take of the joust?
Last edited by blkk; Mar 3, 2009 at 03:08 AM.
- its been a while
cool thanks and please make more like this...........hell make an Extreme Sports Pack
i would but for some reason jointing just wont work for me. i have read all the things in the wiki but it doesnt explain exactly where the joint must go for it to be jointed
any tips blkk?
|Co-Founder of iCoF|Now Using a New Account ToxWolf|
First step:

copy this: env_obj_joint 1
this means that you creat a joint. the 1 refers to joint number. then you add 2 more numbers after the 1 for what to objects joined...

so say you had:
env_obj 1
env_obj 2

you could joint them using:
env_obj_joint 1 1 2

after that, use position and axis and all that crap to do what your joint needs to do.

make sure you number joints dfiferntly, there should never be 2 "env_obj_joint 1"'s.

understand this stuff?

and about the extreme sports pack: good idea, but most sport mods are made allready, so it would be more like a gathering of all the good sports mods. and ill have to ask the person who made the skateboard mod, cuase thats a great one.

oh, and i just realized i have to make the ankles no-damage, or else self damage would be INCREDIBLE.
- its been a while