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[IMG] BTT#12: Ch-ch-ch-changes
Our spy has informed us that the rebels have discovered a new power source. This is a huge concern. If Baby Tori were to become more powerful, he might also become unstoppable.
These "upgrades" come in the form of orbs. How they work, or how they are used, is something we have not figured out yet.

(wallpaper size)

Story Update: Baby Tori was chosen to be tested, if he passed a great amount of the tests, he would be inducted into the order of the Uke. He was showing great potential, but unfortunately, one of our own betrayed us, and tried to have Baby Tori escape. After that failed, he was held in solitary confinement for 1 week, where he was given one injection of our special booster a day. We did not realize however, that he had saved 2 of them, and when he got out of solitary, he injected them both, ultimately killing him.
Somehow he lived, and while in the refermary, was broken out by 2 of the rebels. An inside source has informed us, that Baby Tori has sworn vengeance for his dead father. We are not worried, but we are taking the necessary precautions just in case. Having this information, we have decided to make a small army of Hanzb0ts. They should be operational in about a week. We have received news of Baby Tori's progress from our spy, unfortunately it would seem his skills have improved greatly. However we are not worried, as he is still no match for our hanzb0ts. We decided to infiltrate the rebel's fortress, and strike when they least expected it. The battle was going well, and we exhausted Baby Tori, unfortunately a mysterious stranger approached, and destroyed our forces with his hammer. Our Engineer has plans for newer, more improved Hanzb0ts though, each with their own unique abilities, we hope that his design will be complete soon, so we can begin the building process. Our spy has seen Baby tori reaching towards what we suspect to be upgrades. How they work, or how they are used we do not know, so we have no idea what to do. We can only suspect that if Baby Tori does become upgraded, he will also become unstoppable. Progress on the new Hanzb0t army is moving along nicely, we hope for completion very soon.
Former Item Forger
In order to access them he must survive a life or death game of Dance-Dance-Revolution. Steve looks pimp. Nice work.
lead Sigma
Wow, that looks really nice!
*srry if this was answered in the paragraph i didnt read the whole thing* What kind of upgrades are those? Like forces/relaxes or something?
Its really cool!
Originally Posted by OK9ZERA View Post
He would still look pimp without the cigar tho.

I suppose he would, yes.

Originally Posted by qq5ben View Post
Wow, that looks really nice!
*srry if this was answered in the paragraph i didnt read the whole thing* What kind of upgrades are those? Like forces/relaxes or something?
Its really cool!

Our spy wasn't clear on that. We are currently investigating this, but our priority is rebuilding the hanzb0ts.
Former Item Forger
yo fag, I herd u like rendering, so we put a c4d in yo car so you can render while you drive.

Looks awesome, the red background is weird though :v
NO WAY BRO! a cinema 4d IN MAH CAR?!?! That's the shiz *hug* *embarrass myself terribly*

thanks :P

red seems to be the color of the walls in quite a few of my renders, guess I just like the way the green absorbs it through reflection :P
Former Item Forger
Nice stup, Steve looks so badass in the background.
The balls are the promo-colours?
I like the lighting on the wall too
9/10, Great work.
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