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Braces, Ugh.
Kay i got braces last night
Didnt hurt too much getting them off, and for the rest of that night i was fine
Then, just before i went to bed, they started to hurt a bit, and now this morning, they hurt like HELL!

suggestions, condolences, info from people that have had them would be nice!
Braces you say? Ugh, i've had them for two years before having them taken out. >.>
First few days are hell, but once the pain subsides, you get used to them. My dentists adviced me to eat ice cream, because it lessens the pain. And it works. So eat lots of ice cream.
Painkillers can help as well, though you shouldn't overuse them.
Oh, and a final piece of advice: For gods sake, AVOID clacking your teeth together, the pain is incredible. It's like having needles jammed into your gums.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Well, unless it's cold it probably won't directly lessen the pain. It might lead your mind away from it, though.
Oh yeah, listen to your dentist(s) when he/she/they say that you should brush your teeth extra carefully. Having ones teeth messed up just because of laziness really isn't worth it. Personally though, my teeth were more white after the braces. >.>
Fun fact: While i had braces on, i once had such a big gap between my front teeth, i could lodge my tongues side in it. (Probably 3-4 millimeters or so)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Yeah I have them now. Probably why I don't open my mouth anymore. :P

There's not much you can do about the pain. Get wax, it helps a lot if you're willing to take the time to apply it. Or carry oragel.
Originally Posted by doobidoo3 View Post
Kay i got braces last night
Didnt hurt too much getting them off, and for the rest of that night i was fine
Then, just before i went to bed, they started to hurt a bit, and now this morning, they hurt like HELL!

suggestions, condolences, info from people that have had them would be nice!

At first they will be annoying, and every time they move them (should be every few months), after that it will hurt a lot when biting stuff.. So for now you might want to stick to like soup and stuff : D

I've had them for a year now and i'm completely used to them.
Whoop Whoop
Weird, when I get my braces moved, I have a few urges to clack my teeth together. It's like I like the pain I get from it. Or maybe because it hurt more when my teeth were apart rather then when I clack them together. <.<
I have had braces for around a year now, shook pretty much hit the nail on the head, it my hurt now but it will lessen.

Grrr try having a Girlfriend while you have braces, fresh breath is a must!