Original Post
[Hunters] Clan forum
please help me ...
i banned from Hunters clan forum ( in toriclans )
There's why i need acess...
Don't pirate Cinema 4D , Just buy it from me!
Official unoficial resseler of MaXoN :)
qq5ben i need help from admins i talked with kristis joined caln now i clan member!!
Don't pirate Cinema 4D , Just buy it from me!
Official unoficial resseler of MaXoN :)
1. You are not clear on what you want to achieve
2.Assuming you want your name in that list,PM Locker460 or Kristis the board moderators.they have rights to moderate it & so does zyg but I doubt he'll do it as he's not a member anymore.
KONY 2012
You have complained about this on IRC several times. The clan roster says you're kicked, so I assume the leaders simply banned you.
Is the acc subreality & 931bw the same..

If you are talking about the 931 acc then I'm pretty sure u have been banned by the admins cause if the issues created by you in the clan 2-3 months ago
KONY 2012
i'm not kicked i got back in clan! check rooster
Don't pirate Cinema 4D , Just buy it from me!
Official unoficial resseler of MaXoN :)