Original Post
Pure restock
Oh hi there,
so i just found out that i'm 10 dan, so i thought i should get some pure
cause it's the only (free) colour anyway :P
but it's sold out, i was checking it from a week or more.

is there some kinda date or something for the restock ? i really don't check the forums this much lately.

and, pure should not be sold out anyway.

youre completely right. since some guy bought all pure relaxes and set them in the market, i was angry that almost all pure items are sold.
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count
They like to keep it rare is guess. There is some pure in the torimarket though,

And there are even some relaxes and forces there, but they cost a lot there.. It seems like this guy bought all the pure laxes from torishop and is now selling them 10k each.
Whoop Whoop
Some items will never be restocked.
Some of them are going to be restocked after a while.

For the Pure, I doubt they will restock them for now.
Same for the Elf.
Well, I guess my reward for playing 10,000 fights has gone down the toilet for the time being. Until that time comes, I will continue searching for pure through players.

Hey, Ask some of the people that bought out all the pure

I Bet theyll be nice and let you buy one cheap for hitting 10th dan

Faolan(think he has some)
Last edited by SpaceInvader; Mar 11, 2009 at 11:52 PM.
I have two of each.

and it's spelled Faolan :P

also yeah, the guy who bought them all is ravenger. not to point fingers
<insert (something) here>
I'll check with Rave and Nach, they are both friends of mine. I wouldn't want to take your only 2 Faolan.

Yeah I bought around 75 forces, 50 relaxs, 30~ bloods roughly only have 45 forces, 25 relaxs, 10 bloods now but thats where they all went. Nacho gets his through me and Faolan just has a set not a ton of shit. In total I have most of the pure forces/laxs/bloods on the market go rape me