Original Post
new manipulation
First- well, after i began i tink it would be a bit cooller, but i tink its aceptable...
Second-Don't mind the name...i don't have 300 manipulations replays...i just come up with crazy names for don't oversave any other XD

new manipulation 300.rpl
Click here and make Jesus STRONGER ^^
[You should click, its fun]
I missed the moment when uke loose one arm and I was like "bug? I have to watch it again". And when I saw it I was like "I have to watch it again and once more ". Great replay head under the knee, both arms - sweet. It is 500 frames too long but beside that it is great
Funny way to die :)
hm, it was not bad. I didnt like how Uke had points before you hit him, and I think you could have spent less time setting up, and gotten more DMs. You give Uke a good spin, but I also think you could have done much more damage.

Organisation of Awesome: Member.