Original Post
Item not beign showed.
Khm, okay, read this first before telling me to read FAQ.
I bought it this morning, activated, w8ed for like an hour - nothing happened, Double-checked for other item of the same type activated - no such thing. Tryed deactivating/activating couple of times and w8ing like 20-30 - no result. So my questions is - wtf? -.-
Hey whats up kenny!

Yeah, did you just transfer to 3.7?

Cause your internet security might be blocking downloads of items and textures, can you view other people's or what?
And i know you know how to do this shiz kenny xD
No, i've been using 3.7 for a while now and yes i can see others textures and all my items/texts except this one (torso). And I saw my old one okay as well.
i've been playing im mp when i said
w8ing like 20-30

. Tryed the /download DeadKenny command, played for another half an hour - nothing.
Tryed activating my old torso, up in less then 10 mins, no problems at all -.-
Changed it again to the new one - epmty.
Looks like the Elf Torso is broken again.

I'll report the bug.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you