Original Post
I suppose it has been a while, eh?
It's been almost three months since the last time I uploaded more than one replay in a post, so I figure I might as well do it sometime.

So anyways, watch the replays. Or don't, it probably won't matter in the long run.

Oh, and if you want to see more, feel free and request them, I have a couple others somewhere around my computer.

Strike of the Adder - Like Strike of the Viper, but different.
Don't be so Symmetrical Uke - lame replay Uke, not your best showing, 5/10.
Shape of ... a scarecrow! - Crows and obligatory corn fields not included.
Not in the Mood Right Now - to come up with clever replay names.
Attached Files
Strike of the Adder.rpl (93.4 KB, 34 views)
Don't be so Symmetrical Uke.rpl (174.1 KB, 35 views)
Shape of ... a scarecrow!.rpl (176.6 KB, 33 views)
Not in the Mood Right Now.rpl (215.5 KB, 34 views)
Last edited by Phoenix; Mar 21, 2009 at 10:23 AM.
I wish i cold be that awsome 0.0
the only one i didnt like was the first one it was not your kind of fast moving madman but those were very nice9.5/10 the first one kind of ruins the group but theres realy nothing you can do to make them better very good job.
Yes, it has been awhile. I missed you spastic, epic replays. Your stirkes are great, to the point.

*requests more*
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
...I didn't mean spastic as a negative thing...that's what I like about them.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I demand MAOR like "God the uke has a hard head"?

I saw it in the old days but im dying too see it agian mind posting it?
Originally Posted by BlackRozez View Post
I demand MAOR like "God the uke has a hard head"?

I saw it in the old days but im dying too see it agian mind posting it?

Nah, I'll just link to it.

Also new replays.

IGTFY - All kicks done with left foot.
Something or Another - or Something.
Old Replay - Less spastic than the others, but it is quite a bit older, all of the frames with DMs were made last November.
Attached Files
I got this for you.rpl (200.2 KB, 16 views)
Something or Another.rpl (121.4 KB, 16 views)
Old Replay.rpl (150.0 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by Phoenix; Jun 7, 2009 at 10:01 PM.