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[Help]%Off in excel ?
how do i make a function that is if you got something that costs 100 tc and you sell it for 50tc and the % of is 50 do i do that in excel ?
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he means

you got the original price in cell 1 and the price he sold it for in cell 2
then in cell 3 he got how many % of the original price he sold it for get it now ?
Helge Sverre - System Developer
Ohh i can't remember but i know this but don't remember how . I will try to remember by using excel now.

EDIT : sorry cant remember (and I don't try very hard cuz i am too lazy)
Last edited by Hykimachi; Mar 29, 2009 at 04:15 PM.
Originally Posted by Hykimachi View Post
Ohh i can't remember but i know this but don't remember how . I will try to remember by using excel now.

EDIT : sorry cant remember (and I don't try very hard cuz i am too lazy)

hmm *screams* ANY MATH GEEK IN HERE ?
Helge Sverre - System Developer
Eh, [your number]/100 times the percent you want.
example: You need 45 percent out of 400 tc: 400/100 = 4 times 45 percent = 180 ;)
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Originally Posted by iPingu View Post
Eh, [your number]/100 times the percent you want.
example: You need 45 percent out of 400 tc: 400/100 = 4 times 45 percent = 180 ;)

Helge Sverre - System Developer

Okay, you want 30 percent of cell A1 which is 170.
In cell B1 you type "A1/100*30" without the "s.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Originally Posted by iPingu View Post
Eh, [your number]/100 times the percent you want.
example: You need 45 percent out of 400 tc: 400/100 = 4 times 45 percent = 180 ;)

Ohh iPingu thanks for helping that guy .If i was not so lazy i maybe helped him too.