Original Post
[Report]Kinshasa; Scamming/Stealing ToriCredits
NOTE: That this HAS been reported through private message (to Skulfuk), but I have not gotten a response back, and today Kinshasa was acting like a *cough* hole today in an in-game room, so I can't deal with knowing he has not been now.

Hello, I'm reporting Kinshasa for scamming/stealing ToriCredits.

I loaned to them 10,000 ToriCredits on March 15, 2009, and told them there would be interest and what-not and it would be due on the following Tuesday (March 17, 2009) because they said that is when their parents would buy them another booster or just more ToriCredits to pay me back. Well that Tuesday I did not receive ANY ToriCredits back from Kinshasa whatsoever. No Private message, no nothing. I decided to send him a private message reminding him of the deal and that he had not payed it and that I would report him the following Sunday (March 22, 2009). No private messages, ToriCredits or anything sent from Kinshasa; however he had logged on in that time period. I continued to send him reminders with the late fees and such, and no private messages or ToriCredits have ever been sent from Kinshasa still. As you can see, I have extended the final due date for the ToriCredits from the original day, because I know Kinshasa (not in real life, though) and I did not think he would do something like this. Well today I'm deciding to report him because it's been 4 days since the final due date, and I still have not received anything from Kinshasa.

Kinshasa's User Page (To prove he HAS been on since the loan; he was last online 4 days ago (-5 GMT) on the date this private message was sent.):

Here are screenshots of evidence. In-game, the private messages, and my account history. (Yes, they are links, because there are too many and they are too big.)

In Game Screen Shots:

The Warnings Via Private Message:


My Account History (The Transfer):

My Request:
Is that I at least get my 10,000 ToriCredits back, as I do not expect to get the interest and late fees (although you can include them if you'd like), and possibly a short ban (whatever you see fit) for Kinshasa, because I do not know the reason behind him not paying back (it could be a financial situation, and I don't want people badly punished for a personal situation that they cannot control). I do not think it was right of him to request more ToriCredits than he could pay off, and I think he should have at least sent me a private message of his situation

Request Edit: Maybe be a little more harsh, because today, he was acting like an *cough* hole in-game, so I doubt it was a financial problem (he was pretending like he was a good person, saying stuff like "I don't know what you're talking about, good sir, you have the wrong person, I would never do something bad like that" then kicking me from the room.)
Last edited by Buttchouda; Mar 30, 2009 at 05:28 AM.
first one that posted wus hanzarce, and dude wait for skulfuk
or fyerrbladd to post here they will fix it
OR any admins
Last edited by Jan_miguel; Mar 30, 2009 at 01:13 PM.
Skulfuk will deal with this as soon as he can. Hes been really busy in rl lately. Once he gets out of bed I will point him in your direction. Good job on the evidence provided its not often some one is so thorough with the evidence.
Go check my myspace myspace.com/tatookerryx
Tis a good report indeed.

Everything other than 4k has been spent, but I'll be able to sort something.

I'm going to give him a short 'holiday' for not keeping to his side of the deal, and I'll send you your tc back later today.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Thanks for seeing this, Skulfuk.

And thanks to all saying this is very detailed. I try to do my best, although I was afraid some people might not bother reading through all of it with so much text.