Original Post
Knee removal (With bonus flip)
Just a move i've been working on for a while. There are several variations of the flips, depending on when you contract the knees.

Hold all
Raise both shoulders
Contract knees
Extend ankles

Space x3

Extend knees
Contract hips

Space until you're in a arch.

Contract knees
Lower shoulders
Contract elbows

Space x3

Extend knees
Extend elbows
Raise shoulders


Space x20

Lower shoulders
Contract elbows
Contract knees

Space until you land on his head. The flip has varying effects depending on when you time the transaction from the arch and the launch time from the kneeling position.

Re: Knee removal (With bonus flip)
Nope, I found it myself... although I did think someone else had probably thought of it already. Sorry ;)
Re: Knee removal (With bonus flip)
If you don't raise your arms when you do the flip you end up doing 3 flips. With about 130 frames left extend arms and contract ankles for a nice landing.