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[REL] Meatspin
Hmmm... you like the name of the thread? If I were you I would probably think:
"WTF is this?" Well, it's a bit hard to explain, or is it?

Mmh... I got trolled, oh well. I didn't know what "Meatspin" meant untill I posted this.
But if you think of it, toris can be human, human are meat, poles spin toris. ^^ There you go.

First off: Creds to..Blkk and Fnugget who helped me making the motorized poles.

There are two boxes, the toris stand on them. Then they have to jump out to reach the spinny poles!
Yes they spin!
Then when you grab them, you build up speed to attack your enemy with!
Just think of it. If you drive a car in 10km/h then that's the speed you will hit a static object with. But if two cars with that speed hits each other, it will be 20km/h.
Well, most people know this. I'm just saying it anyway.

I suggest to have dq on! I'm serious about this.
Pluss, The TF is now on 20 and the mf is 500, change it to what you want if it suits you better.

Here's some pics so you can get the idea.

And another picture:

And here's the mod itself. and ye, it's called meatspin2 because of a fix.
Edit: meatspin3 is a fix of distance
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meatspin3.tbm (1.1 KB, 51 views)
Last edited by Tapion; Apr 6, 2009 at 04:17 PM.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Hahahahah meat spin, you got me there, but me and FNugget didn't give you idea for a name. You thought it all by yourself dude:

[22:38:36] <Danvari> spinpoles.tbm?
[22:38:43] <Tapion> hmmm... ok
[22:38:43] <Danvari> xD
[22:38:45] <Danvari> dunno
[22:38:58] <Danvari> rapidpoles
[22:38:59] <Tapion> meatspin !
Originally Posted by Danvari View Post
Hahahahah meat spin, you got me there, but me and FNugget didn't give you idea for a name. You thought it all by yourself dude:

[22:38:36] <Danvari> spinpoles.tbm?
[22:38:43] <Tapion> hmmm... ok
[22:38:43] <Danvari> xD
[22:38:45] <Danvari> dunno
[22:38:58] <Danvari> rapidpoles
[22:38:59] <Tapion> meatspin !

My memory is getting weak. But ye, I didn't know what it meant untill, well, I got told.
Last edited by Tapion; Apr 5, 2009 at 11:09 PM.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Originally Posted by Tapion View Post
My memory is getting weak. But ye, I didn't know what it meant untill, well, I got told.

No worries, the name is awesome tho XD!
Oh well, I guess that helps a bit.

Edit: Up for approval btw.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Hrmph. The mod isn't completely MP-able, seeing how Uke and Tori have to jump different distance for the pole. You can easily see it by how far their feet are from the edge of the tower. I suggest that you make a third version to correct it. It's a sign that you don't know that Toribash's center isn't exactly 0 0 0.
Nice work dude. (Love the title, it will be very useful for attracting people to a server)

it looks fun though.

and i think 1 -0.01 0 is supposed to be the center (heavily debated), but its close enough for the current circumstances.
- its been a while
Originally Posted by RAYClovis View Post
Hrmph. The mod isn't completely MP-able, seeing how Uke and Tori have to jump different distance for the pole. You can easily see it by how far their feet are from the edge of the tower. I suggest that you make a third version to correct it. It's a sign that you don't know that Toribash's center isn't exactly 0 0 0.

Yes, I knew 0 0 0 isn't the exact center, but I made everything but the motorization in worldbuilder.

Originally Posted by blkk
and i think 1 -0.01 0 is supposed to be the center (heavily debated), but its close enough for the current circumstances.

Yes, I knew this too.

And since it's such a big deal, I'll make a third, unless you find out that it's not a big deal.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home