Original Post
Magix's replays
Here's some more recent stuff from old thread.

SP - Mosier edit - Edited it from frame 4700. I aimed at never touching the ground with DQable bodyparts, and succeeded i guess =P. Ends at around frame 1700, so don't close it after the decap or anything.
Attached Files
SP - Mosier edit.rpl (579.2 KB, 121 views)
SP - Progame.rpl (224.1 KB, 80 views)
SP - meh.rpl (148.7 KB, 63 views)
SP - Spinny shiet.rpl (115.2 KB, 68 views)
SP - bottomfoot decap.rpl (74.4 KB, 78 views)
SP - awkward.rpl (414.0 KB, 62 views)
SP - hack and slash.rpl (180.1 KB, 54 views)
Last edited by Magix; Apr 12, 2009 at 02:39 PM.
Whoop Whoop
SP - Mosier edit.rpl - Interesting start. Fun to watch.

SP - Progame.rpl - I liked the running but the ending was a anticlimax. I was hoping for longer fight.

SP - meh.rpl - I have a couple replays named "meh". Punch them out really quick and cant be bothered editing them meh. Makes me laugh.

SP - Spinny shiet.rpl - short and sweet, gota love um

SP - bottomfoot decap.rpl - this one is my fav. Innovative and unexpected

SP - awkward.rpl - shame the kick failed but the elbow made up for it I guess ^^

SP - hack and slash.rpl - Not much to say on this one. Bit average.

I would have put more depth into these comments but tbh I can never be bothered when there is more than 3 replays 0o

Good work, keep it up.
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo
SP - Mosier Edit - 7/10, very nice replay, though, i'm not sure what i'm supposed to be rating, the dancing, or the decap? if it was the replay on a whole, the decap was alright, fluent and clean, but boring, and the dancing was very, eh, spinny, aside from one or two moves that you pulled off which were very nice. 7/10 for the replay on a whole.

SP - Programe - 7.5/10, again, a nice replay, uke's run was realistic, though yours looked a little jerky towards the end. When i opened the replay i was expecting utter domination of one or both you and uke, say, a good fight, where you and uke traded blows, or an extremely powerful kick or punch which'd obliterate uke. For the run, 6/10, for the madman, 8/10, for the replay on a whole, 7.5/10.

SP - Meh - 7.5/10, you did well up to frame 431, when everything just slowed down and killed the flow of the replay, your kick was pointless, and pathetically weak to even have a hope of dismemberment, you pushed uke over, for some reason, and the leg dismemberment came very slowly, i was hoping to see the other leg dismembered too, but you didn't attempt to get it, not the best you could have done.

SP - Spinny Sheit - 8/10, yes, this is what i wanted to see, after the first two i wasn't all for rating the rest, but i'm glad i did, great kicks, nice fluid movements, only problem i have is that you just swatted the arm away, when you could have easily taken it and done something to it for fun, every little helps.

SP - Bottomfoot Decap - 8/10, not what i expected, i didn't like the weird spasms to get above uke, i'd have preferred a clean jump onto him, or simply less random flails to get above him, but i liked the decap alot, like i said, not what i expected, i thought i'd see you just boot uke in the neck with as much force as you could after propelling yourself towards him by raising a shoulder or a extending a knee, etc. Nice job.

SP - Awkward - 8/10, i'm going to be straight about this, the split was sex, seriously, i loved it, though, after this the replay went downhill for me. You should have decapped uke with the first leg you swung at him, if not that, then used it as a momentum booster and kicked his head off with the second leg, rather than slapping it off with your hand, also, you kicked uke's leg as you danced away from the body without dismembering it. Try to make a dismemberment every time you touch uke, it makes your replays far more interesting and much less scruffy.

SP - Hack and Slash - 7.5/10, eh, okay. I'd have liked to see you lop both uke's legs off with the first kick. The second touch was a push so you could decap uke, that's fine, third time you touched uke you kicked his head off, very nice, though, the fourth time you touched him you weirdly kicked him in the side, i didn't like it. The rest of the replay after that was good, if you could take out the kick in the middle and push the beginning and end together, it'd have easily been 8/10 or 9/10, hell, if you could have split him then that'd have been the best replay in this thread so far.

To summarise - Nice replays, you're skilled. Though, you've been in the position where you've tried to kick down on uke in a couple of your replays and it looks like a little scruffy, try to keep your style powerful, yet relaxed. I liked how you surprised me in the Bottomfoot Decap replay, keep that element of surprise in your replays and you'll come across some interesting techniques. Well done mate.
collect snots from the nose
^ Best post ever to be made in this community <3

Right, commenting your comments : D :

SP - Progame - Yeah, I thought of using both uke and tori to fight too but.. My brain just froze when i did it and I have a problem with patience so I just wanted to get it over with. Might edit some day.

SP - Meh - Ehh.. I did well up to frame 431 is exactly what I thought myself. But i literally wasted hours trying to get something good from there to keep the flow etc, but.. I just couldn't get it. And so the replay stayed in my replay folder for days and I didn't want it staying there unfinished so I just did something.

SP - Awkward - Great minds think alike and those things also bothered me. Both getting a decap with the legs and dismembering the leg were something i tried to do for a while but eventually quit when i didn't manage it. You didn't say anything about traveling to uke and throwing the joint though - do you think it was worth my time?

SP - Hack and slash - Yeah, I actually had better versions of the fourth kick you are talking about that.. Where i flipped in the air a few times, but I never actually managed to make a kick out of it. I remember trying for half an hour and then giving up.


I guess generally I need to start taking more time with my replays, and not giving up so easy. Like I've heard Rutz takes 3 days to make a replay =D.
Whoop Whoop
Looks like you know exactly what to do then, and in regards to your question about throwing uke's head, i'd say yes, it was worth your time, that replay shows your ability to dance, though it'd have been nice if you'd got there faster.
collect snots from the nose
New replay.

The very last kick - wanted to also get the pec off with that kick but I think it might actually be impossible. And i didn't want to start grabbing etc.
Attached Files
SP - Jizz in my pants.rpl (214.3 KB, 50 views)
Last edited by Magix; Apr 14, 2009 at 02:09 PM.
Whoop Whoop
Holy shit, one of your good ones i would say.

very relaxed and smooth in the beginning, you make it look easy. (although im sure you spent quite alot of time shift-spacing through it)

- its been a while