Original Post
[IMG] Player 4 Head Edit
I thought that I would edit the Player 4 head to give it more uke-like colors, and I also removed the head-strap from the back. I think the results are good ; feedback?

player4 ? I have no idea who is that and how the orginal one looks.
I tried to /dl him na /lp but it didn't work so if you can post original head for comparison it would be great

And I like this head. Simple, Ninja-Uke style, a little bit punisher.
But eyes should be better [no white border and different shape]
^it's player4

You didn't changed a lot, just simple things :v

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Removed the back strap, changed the eye colour.
I'd be more impressed if you made a whole new head using that concept.
4/10 due to lack of new ideas, and simple editting.