Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Coolish thing..
Hold all, extend ankles, contract knees, extend glutes, contract hips, space, extend knees, extend hips,
space x4, contract knees

im gonna try and see what goes well afterwards now
Re: Coolish thing..
Nice one there, bud! Try mine!

Hold All
Raise both Shoulders
Contract both Pecs
[Progress by 20, a.k.a. Space Bar x 2]
Contract Abs
Contract both Hips
Contract both Knees
Lower Shoulders
[Progress by 20, a.k.a. Space Bar x 2]
Extend Both Knees
Then finish off with a final flip (And don't fuckin' ask me how to do that, lol)

Have fun, man!