Original Post
CaptainLOL's Textures Sale Galore
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I'm just going to go straight to the point. I need some tc (approx 20k) and i have made some head textures to sell and save up until I have it!
NOTE: The gap on the back of some of the heads DO NOT SHOW IN GAME!
I have redone this shop. My old ones were terrible so I have started again BUT this time with BETTER heads.

These heads are NEW:

<Lightwaves< 200tc<UrbanEmo_1 <MYHEAD!!!! <EvilBlueEyes<300-400tc

These heads are FEATURED:

AbstractLightwaves<200tc, <Bumblebee<300tc <ThunderHead<800tc(originalymade by MNR)

Robot:<RobotMetal<200tc, <Roboteye<700tc, <ComputerChip<300tc

<Ninja5< 500tc <Urban1< 200tc <Urban2< 200tc<Urban3<200tc <Ninja1< 500tc

Any request are accepted (please be reasonable)!
BTW I have only just started making head textures so if you have any ideas for my sale or any ideas for head textures it would be appreciated if you told me.

NEW! I now sell avvys!
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
Its pretty simple. Request and I make! Here are some examples.

1k EACH!

Visit my items shop
CaptainLOL's Item SHOP!


1.Sorry for the high prices I had before. I have reduced all the heads prices by 200tc each.
2. I now sell avvys!


Last edited by CaptainLOL; Jun 1, 2009 at 08:47 AM. Reason: Pricing
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Good heads, can i request one just to test you?
I want and robot head.
i pay you ummm 1k (1,000tc)
Thats only if its good :P
Master Space Dragon of Element

Some textures my result in a loss of quality when resized(if they do i will put APPLY in the post with the texture)

Check my Texture shop

Like my Avatar? you can request avatars like that from my shop!
Ok. But could u say wot colours u want in it or some sort of detail u would like on it. Thanx
(Dont worry my heads are ALWAYS top quality!)
Last edited by CaptainLOL; May 4, 2009 at 08:50 AM.
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I have gone to sleep and just come back from school and the thread STILL has only two posts. This obviously isnt going to be popular.
Last edited by CaptainLOL; May 4, 2009 at 09:28 AM.
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I tried to make them match up. It only worked for some of them. other ones are just like that. But if u want i can try again just slightly changing the design?
BTW i have only just started making head textures.
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Sorry for double posting but. WHY IS MY SHOP NOT POPULAR! . If im doing something wrong PLEASE TELL ME.

User was warned for this illegal bump/plea for customers.
Last edited by Brainstorm; May 4, 2009 at 11:43 AM.
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THAT is precicely what is wrong
You need to wait.

Then while waiting, practice your craft

Nice organization, btw. Try working on some requests. You need to build up your rep.

And no, i'm not buying :/
make the head it can be any colour u like
Master Space Dragon of Element

Some textures my result in a loss of quality when resized(if they do i will put APPLY in the post with the texture)

Check my Texture shop

Like my Avatar? you can request avatars like that from my shop!
First of all. yea that sounds like a plan :P avwave.Thank you.
second. Dentian im going to get right too it!
third. ive made some new heads. :P
Last edited by CaptainLOL; May 4, 2009 at 12:10 PM.
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