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adding a head to TORIBASH
i just got gimp like a half hour ago, i have a head all ready and everything. but i am just wondering how do i add the head to my TORIBASH character?
So yeah
Make the head
Upload it http://forum.toribash.com/tori_textures.php
And wait some time .

If you don't understand still something in YouTube is great tutorials (i thins so) about this.
The alternative is just adding the .tga file to your custom folder, but if you do that only you'll be able to see the texture - nobody else will have the texture, so they logically won't be able to see it. Read more on this here.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."