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Multiplayer Commands Help
Okay, now IIRC using /lockdown makes it so nobody can enter the server anymore, right?

Doesn't seem to work for me. People still join the server while I'm trying to have a private game with a few friends, which means I have to kick them, constantly.

Why can they still enter after I've used /lockdown?
.../lockdown makes it so that no one in spectators can enter, and no one currently playing can't spectate..
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
Oh. Hmm.

Must have read it wrong. But is there any way to make sure outsiders can't join a server you've made?
Originally Posted by Therio View Post
Oh. Hmm.

Must have read it wrong. But is there any way to make sure outsiders can't join a server you've made?

/pass name
/ set mc 4
Last edited by JePoY; May 17, 2009 at 04:21 PM.
Jep - Incorrect (Unless I'm misunderstanding what you are saying). =p /pass name is to type in the pass to play, /passwd name is to set the password. =p
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
Originally Posted by Ace120 View Post
how do u kick them out?

/kick [name]

Also if you want to ban them then type /status. You will see their ip like this.
After that type /ban [ip] and you have it.

Edit: If you want to kick with a reason then type /kick [name] [reason].
Though the reason wont show up for you, but the guy will see it who you kicked.

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