Original Post
Now who is it??
First xzibit was all over the forums, now who's face is it now that is dominating avatars (like chac's) and the like? I don't know many famous people.
Your mom?

I don't follow internet trends. By the time you do, its already passe.

Of course, if you wait long enough it becomes cool again.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
yea its a sheep thing. and i never folowed any of them the Xzibit thing was just plane gay. and now this guys seems weird too.
Clan/Org's: [GATA] /[Wushu Leaguevl.2] [Jolly Roger]
<b[No]Stupinator>: Wat server with so many grat players
<b[No]Stupinator>: I Notice you Ofi :D
<WL[JollyR]Ofillusion>: Im awsome stup?
<b[No]Stupinator>: Oyea:D
Originally Posted by Ofillusion View Post
yea its a sheep thing. and i never folowed any of them the Xzibit thing was just plane gay.

Eh, I still am able to find humor in the "yo dawg" thing, but I usually don't cruise the image boards where such ideas are milked for every last ounce of funny until you are left with a shriveled husk of something once good.

What I want to know is who was that goofy looking kid with the red jewfro?
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
That's kips? For real?

Looks NOTHING like I expected him to. Not because of his skin colour, more like... well, kips is a funny mother(bleeper) and that picture looks so serious. No, really, kips looks like a successful business man on that picture. Not a funny troll that spams ":v" all day.