Original Post
Replay viewing.
Ok heres the deal. I want to use Toribash 3.69 to open replay files. I was using 3.7, but i deleted it because i didn't use it, 3.69 goes faster on my computer. Now when i try and set the Toribash 3.69 program it doesn't work.

Help D;
I suggest either re-installing or just getting 3.7 back and tweaking it so it runs smoother
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Is the 3.7 totally deleted? I was pulling out my hair a few months ago, trying to get replays to open with a certain version of TB. You can't just set what version to open using the regular Always Open With This Program. You have to UNINSTALL the later version of tb, (3.7) then open up a TB window from the 3.69 folder. That should reset the thingy. Then, open a replay straight from the folder with a double click. It should now open in 3.69.

Originally Posted by MetroX View Post
Ok heres the deal. I want to use Toribash 3.69 to open replay files. I was using 3.7, but i deleted it because i didn't use it, 3.69 goes faster on my computer. Now when i try and set the Toribash 3.69 program it doesn't work.

Help D;

Its simple.
Right click on a reply then properties. Click change at the "Opens with:" section, go to your TB3.69 folder, and select tb.exe. save it and your done.

Note: it wont work if you select toribash.exe.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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